
Showing posts from August, 2023

S1 E36: Special Post FFO Takes on Book Banning

  a "One free with two" promotion? “Once we undermine trust in doctors, fact checkers, and scientists, we’ll be able to sell people anything.” FFO   daily news   a division of  MishegossGroup LLC read us.....we're almost positive how this story ends

S1 E35: Barbie is a Slut! Always has been.

Clarence Thomas Hikes Price of Supreme Court Decisions to Keep Pace with Inflation WASHINGTON ( The Borowitz Report )—Citing “unfortunate economic realities,” Clarence Thomas is hiking the price of Supreme Court decisions to keep up with inflation. The jurist disclosed his new rate card in a mass e-mail sent to more than a hundred super-donors.  “I have tried to keep my prices reasonable, but, as inflation proves more stubborn than predicted, I have no choice but to adjust my rates accordingly,” he wrote. “Sadly, the days of shredding civil rights in exchange for ten private-jet flights are over,” he added. It remains to be seen whether the billionaires who received Thomas’s e-mail will tolerate his steeper prices or whether they will explore a budget option such as Neil Gorsuch. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ DA*MN!  I missed that turn!     i shoulda made a left back there instead of going straight. -------