
Showing posts from June, 2023

S1 E30: Special LIFE/LOOK/LINGERIE Magazine Edition

 hit READ MORE button *************** i don't know about you, but i hope our past two world wars aren't like baseball.   three strikes and you're out!     5 Oy! rating ************* *************** WTF? Department: FFO   daily news   a division of  MishegossGroup LLC read us.....we know how this story ends

S1 E29: Florida Travel Guide

  don't forget to hit: READ MORE button a story to warm the cocktails of your heart: rubber duckz story --------------------------------------------------------------- what the well dressed Ukrainian soldier is sporting today: Zaporyskyyia Fashion Show cccccccccccccccccc backyard bluebird tenants & recent parents .. "feed me! feed me!" FFO   daily news   a division of  MishegossGroup LLC read us.....we know how this story ends

S1 E28: Joisey too???

  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Joisey too???  Waddayagonna do? i'm ordering one for myself.  would anyone else like one? corny but good dept: A Jew was told he was going to be knighted. He threw himself into learning the Latin for the ceremony, but the day of, he knelt in front of the queen and got so nervous he forgot everything. Knowing the clock was ticking and he had to say  something,  at last he blurted out “ma nishtanah ha-laila hazeh mikol halailot?” Baffled, the Queen turned to one of her advisors and asked “why is this knight different from all other knights?”  (joke dedicated to t&m) THINK POSITIVE after 8 years of the nonsense, looking on the bright side of things.....if DJT is the Repug nominee in '24, then the election will have gifted to us the most accurate census in American history: a precise count of

S1 E27 "Here come da judge" Special Issue

  remember to hit READ MORE on bottom right (ALWAYS a good idear anyway) earth-shaking news headline of today: Pat Sajak Is Leaving 'Wheel Of Fortune' After More Than 40 Years He's hosted the iconic game show since 1981. all we can say at FFO daily news is:   "QVITTER!  pass me my Xanax!" ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( 66666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 wait a minute!  wait a minute!  is that the same Bill Barr & Chris Christie that was kissing Donny's tuchus not too long ago?  we must have them confused with someone else.?!  what a " come to jesus" moment!  i would liked to have been in the room.  wouldn't you? 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- from Andy: Mar-a-Lago Dinner Guests Wondered Why Menus Contained Missile Sites PALM BEACH ( The Borowitz Report )—Guests who dined at Mar-a-Lago a

S1 E26 Major Announcement Issue

  don't forget to click READ MORE  on bottom right thanks ***************************************** this just in...... hey!  i sold a lot of dictionaries in my time department the scots rock..... Major Announcement located here: after many zoom meetings and many late nights, the FFO daily news management announces the rollout of a new logo despite having won many advertising awards over the years (for instance  #1 Addy winner five years in a row 2017-2021 ),  management decided to go with a cleaner, wholesome, and more patriotically safer American vibe to convey what we do here at FFO daily news.  As we all know, change is hard, wicked hahd, but it makes life worth living, yes?  We hope you like the new look.  But if you don't then kindly f***k-off. at FFO daily news our motto remains unchanged: "read us, we do the thinking so you don't have to & we know how the story ends"   FFO   daily news   a division of  MishegossGroup LLC read us.....we know how this sto

S1 E25: Great Cape Excape

  don't forget to hit READ MORE Spent a few nights on the Cape courtesy of a generous friend.   A few photos for your viewing pleasure: Race Point Beach: look what washed up onto the beach!  a former president's head? one of the locals, Paige Turner (vraiment!)   Can you guess where this was taken? world famous Wellfleet oysters ******************* WASHINGTON ( The Borowitz Report )—Just days after  announcing his candidacy for President,  Mike Pence has picked up the coveted  endorsement of the National Association of Ass-Kissers. The N.A.A., a trade organization representing more than a hundred thousand of the nation’s leading toadies, minions, and lickspittles, heaped praise on the former Vice-President, calling him an “awe-inspiring tower of unctuousness.” “During his four years as Vice-President, Mike Pence brought flattery and obsequiousness to new heights,” the N.A.A. statement read. “We bow down to his utter magnificence.” Accepting the endorsement, a jubilant Pence pra

S1 E24 : Indictment Day in America

  "a lazy day at the blog screen....  It won't happen again; i promise ." “Someday, we’re going to look back on these times and say, ‘AAAAAHHHHHHHHH!’   FFO   daily news   a division of  MishegossGroup LLC read us.....we know how this story ends

S1 E23: Special DeSantis Issue

 don't forget to press READ MORE ------------------------------------------ as most of you know, here at FFO daily we love maps........ Woodrow Wilson, (the white bigoted racist Wilson of Princeton University fame we know and love), was in the White House in 1913 and 1914 when these were published.   Interurban Railway System ?  What the hell is that?  From  the Automobile Club of Southern California?  Wha happened?  Stay tuned.  We've assigned two reporters on the story and will report back soon. Can you imagine how out-of-this-world-beautiful Los Angeles was then?  ... 3 Oy! rating **************************************************** "analcoolico" ??!!  oh my word! ********************************************************** are you ready for your next Halloween?  be the first on your block..... ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// floriduh: some collage, it certainly is barry blitt: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ FFO daily: &q