S1 E25: Great Cape Excape


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Spent a few nights on the Cape courtesy of a generous friend.  

A few photos for your viewing pleasure:

Race Point Beach:

look what washed up onto the beach!  a former president's head?

one of the locals, Paige Turner (vraiment!)  
Can you guess where this was taken?

world famous Wellfleet oysters


WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Just days after 

announcing his candidacy for President, 

Mike Pence has picked up the coveted 

endorsement of the National Association of Ass-Kissers.

The N.A.A., a trade organization representing more than a hundred thousand of the nation’s leading toadies, minions, and lickspittles, heaped praise on the former Vice-President, calling him an “awe-inspiring tower of unctuousness.”

“During his four years as Vice-President, Mike Pence brought flattery and obsequiousness to new heights,” the N.A.A. statement read. “We bow down to his utter magnificence.”

Accepting the endorsement, a jubilant Pence praised the organization of abject flunkies, calling the N.A.A. “without question the finest collection of humans this planet has ever known.”

But the endorsement drew a sour response from Chris Christie, who had hoped to receive the ass-kissers’ nod. “I thought I sucked up to Donald Trump as much as anybody did,” Christie said. “Maybe I should have sucked harder.”


 FFO daily news 

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